The PyroPM


About Me

Age: 23
Polyamorous Bi Lesbian
Kingender, Ailurigender Trans Girl
Pronouns: Cub/Cub/She/Her
Red Panda Otherkin, Neurodivergent, Plural

Interested In

Red Pandas
Anime/MangaAnimation in GeneralFilm/Television + ProductionPhotographyMusicVideo GamesArt/Drawing

PoliticsAligned with Anarchism Without Adjectives (excluding AnCaps and Markets)Aligned with Insurrectionary AnarchismAligned with Partial Left Unity (to dismantle capitalism, colonialism/imperialism, etc)Interested in Post-Left AnarchismInterested in Post-CivInterested in Anti-WorkInterested in Xenofeminism

Pride Flags

Ailurigender Flag

Trans Flag

Bi Lesbian Flag
(Made by me)

Polyamorous Flag

Kingender Flag
(By aroacehawkeye)


Links to my social media or websites